Price 1.887$ excl.VAT

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The TB 300 IR (formerly TurbiDirect) is an easy-to-use auto ranging turbidity unit designed for the laboratory or portable use. It has an infra red light source and 90 ° detection anlge which conforms to ISO 7027.
The instrument measures from 0 to 1100 NTU and can store up to 1000 data sets with time, date and sample ID. Results can be recalled at any time, and can be downloaded to a PC with the supplied cable.
The large graphic display ensures results are easy to interpret. Instructions during analysis can also be displayed.
The unit is supplied with a set of calibration check standards for further result accuracy.


Product Name: TB 300 IR
Test / Range :Turbidity  0-1100 NTU


Turbid Standard  24mm x2 Batteries